Sunday, February 16

When you watch a Siamese or Persian cat leap gracefully from a high shelf or land perfectly on all fours, it is easy to marvel at their uncanny abilities. However, there is much more to our feline friends than just good looks and grace. They possess a variety of unique traits and abilities that have helped them survive and thrive in different environments. 

From their acute sense of hearing to their agility, many aspects of a cat’s physiology and behaviour are a testament to their evolutionary history. As pet owners, learning more about these abilities can help us better understand our feline companions. 

Special Abilities of Cats


Cats are known for their excellent night vision, a trait that has helped them excel as nocturnal hunters. Their eyes are structured differently from humans. Felines have a larger cornea and lens, which allows more light to enter their eyes. Moreover, they possess a tissue layer behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum, which reflects light back through the retina, enhancing their ability to see in low light conditions.

Additionally, cats’ eyes have more rod cells – the light-sensitive cells responsible for detecting motion and seeing in dim light – compared to humans. However, they have fewer cone cells, the cells responsible for colour perception, which suggests that they probably see fewer colours than we do.


In terms of hearing, cats have an edge over many other mammals. They can hear in the ultrasonic range, which allows them to detect the high-pitched sounds of small rodents – their primary prey. The structure of a cat’s ear, especially its external part or pinna, is designed to capture and amplify sound waves. The ability to rotate their ears independently by 180 degrees helps them pinpoint the source of a sound with great accuracy.

Sense of Smell

Cats also have a superior sense of smell compared to humans. They have about 200 million odour-sensitive cells in their noses, compared to about 5 million in humans. This superior sense of smell helps cats detect pheromones, identify other cats, find prey, and even sense disease or illness.

Additionally, cats possess a specialised olfactory organ called the vomeronasal or Jacobson’s organ. Located in the roof of their mouth, this organ allows them to ‘taste’ smells and pheromones, which aids in various behavioural responses, such as mating.


A cat’s whiskers, or vibrissae, are highly sensitive tactile organs. They are deeply embedded in the cat’s skin and are connected to the muscular and nervous systems, providing valuable sensory information. Whiskers help cats navigate their surroundings, particularly in the dark, by detecting changes in air currents and touching objects around them.

Whiskers also act as a kind of measuring tape. Their width typically matches the cat’s body’s widest point, helping them assess whether they can fit through small spaces.

Flexibility and Agility

Cats are famously agile and flexible, a trait that’s a result of their unique skeletal structure. They have more vertebrae in their spinal column than humans, contributing to their flexibility.

Cats are also unique in that they don’t have a collarbone, or their clavicle is free-floating, which means it isn’t attached to other bones but held in place by muscles. This allows them to squeeze through tight spaces.

Their agility is also aided by their powerful hind leg muscles. Cats are digitigrades, which means they walk directly on their toes, adding to their speed and stealth. Their ability to retract their claws helps them maintain sharpness for hunting and climbing.

Moreover, cats’ amazing ability to always land on their feet, known as the ‘righting reflex,’ is due to their flexible backbone and absence of a functional collarbone. This reflex begins to appear at around three weeks old and is perfected by seven weeks.


Unlike humans, who sweat throughout the surface of their bodies, cats only sweat through their paws. This isn’t a very effective way to cool down, so they use several other methods to regulate their body temperature. These include grooming (the evaporation of saliva provides a cooling effect), resting and stretching out to allow body heat to escape, and panting when it’s extremely hot.


Cats’ purring is another unique ability that’s not fully understood. The prevailing theory is that cats produce the purring sound by using their laryngeal muscles to constrict the airway, causing a series of vibrations as they breathe.

Purring often indicates contentment, but it’s also a way for cats to communicate with humans. Interestingly, research has shown that a cat’s purr can promote the healing of their bones and reduction of pain and swelling. This phenomenon, known as ‘purr therapy,’ is thought to be related to the low-frequency vibrations of the purr, but more research is needed to fully understand this process.


Cats’ unique abilities are a testament to their evolution as solitary hunters. Their sharp senses, agility, and sophisticated communication methods have enabled them to thrive in a variety of environments, from dense forests to urban jungles. 

As we continue to study these remarkable creatures, we can only expect to uncover more about their intriguing capabilities and the explanations behind them.


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